Tia Dalma is a fictional character from the Pirates of the Caribbean series. During Dead Man's Chest she lives alone on an island inhabited by cannibals, trading charms and magical objects with those who visit her. It was she who traded Captain Jack Sparrow his compass, the one that points to whatever the user wants most in this world. Sparrow...
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Tia Dalma is a fictional character from the Pirates of the Caribbean series. During Dead Man's Chest she lives alone on an island inhabited by cannibals, trading charms and magical objects with those who visit her. It was she who traded Captain Jack Sparrow his compass, the one that points to whatever the user wants most in this world. Sparrow visits her in 'Dead Man's Chest' and she gives him a 'jar of dirt' to keep him safe from the wrath of Davy Jones. There is more to Tia Dalma that meets the eye, the magic she posesses goes far beyond 'voodoo'. She is actually Calypso, the goddess of the seas, bound in human form by the pirate Brethren Court. She is the woman that Davy Jones loved, causing him to cut out his own heart. She resurrects Captain Barbossa from the dead, and tricks him into rescuing Jack Sparrow from Davy Jones' Locker and summoning the Brethren Court in order to release her from her fleshy prison. Upon her release, she vents her wrath upon her captors by creating a maelstrom in the seas during the final battle of the trilogy.
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