Bleeding Gums Murphy (voiced by Ron Taylor and Daryl L. Coley[1]), was a jazz musician, idol, and mentor of Lisa Simpson. His actual first name has never been revealed, though Murphy claimed his nickname came from the fact he had never once been to a dentist, as I got enough pain in my life as it is . His significant roles were in the episodes Moan...
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Bleeding Gums Murphy (voiced by Ron Taylor and Daryl L. Coley[1]), was a jazz musician, idol, and mentor of Lisa Simpson. His actual first name has never been revealed, though Murphy claimed his nickname came from the fact he had never once been to a dentist, as I got enough pain in my life as it is . His significant roles were in the episodes Moaning Lisa and 'Round Springfield , though he appears in other episodes, such as Bart the Daredevil (where he is yellow), Dancin' Homer , Old Money , Flaming Moe's, Bart Gets an F , Radio Bart , and Lisa's Pony . In Dancin' Homer , he was voiced by Daryl L. Coley. At one point he had enjoyed a fairly successful career, releasing an album ( Sax on the Beach ) and appearing on Steve Allen's Tonight Show, and as (one of) the Cosby children's four grandfathers on an episode of The Cosby Show, but quickly lost his money feeding his $1500-a-day habit of purchasing and smashing Faberg
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