Bajoran male, former Maquis member who joined the U.S.S. Voyager in 2371 and served in Engineering. As a child on Bajor during the Cardassian occupation, Tabor witnessed brutal medical experiments on his relatives conducted by Dr. Crell Moset, which killed his brother and grandfather. In 2375 Tabor attempted to resign his commission on Voyager when...
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Bajoran male, former Maquis member who joined the U.S.S. Voyager in 2371 and served in Engineering. As a child on Bajor during the Cardassian occupation, Tabor witnessed brutal medical experiments on his relatives conducted by Dr. Crell Moset, which killed his brother and grandfather. In 2375 Tabor attempted to resign his commission on Voyager when he learned the EMH was utilizing Moset's ill-gotten medical data. Commander Chakotay denied his resignation.In 2377, Ensign Tabor helped Lt. Paris program a holodeck simulation of the Palace Theater in Chicago, circa 1932. He was still in the holodeck when he was attacked by Tuvok, who at the time was under the influence of mind-control practitioner Teero Anaydis, a Bajoran fanatic in the Alpha Quadrant. Tabor was in a coma for 29 hours and recovered on his own, but he then was programmed to respond to a Bajoran chant with instructions to help launch a new Maquis rebellion and take control of Voyager. Tabor took over Ops on the Bridge and was ready to strand all the Starfleet personnel on a Delta Quadrant planet when Tuvok was able to counter Teero's influence and stop the mutiny, mind-melding Tabor and the other affected crewmembers back to normal.When Tabor was in the Maquis, his comrades, including B'Elanna Torres, used to joke that Tabor must have had his own personal forcefield, because he went through a dozen fire fights without even getting his clothes dirty.
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