Rufus Turner is an ex-hunter who is retired from active hunting - that is, until the apocalypse arrives. In Season Three, Sam, Dean and Bobby are looking for Bella. Bobby, who hasn't heard from Rufus in about 15 years, then receives a phone call from Rufus in which he alerts Bobby to the whereabouts of Bela Talbot. Dean goes to see Rufus Turne...
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Rufus Turner is an ex-hunter who is retired from active hunting - that is, until the apocalypse arrives. In Season Three, Sam, Dean and Bobby are looking for Bella. Bobby, who hasn't heard from Rufus in about 15 years, then receives a phone call from Rufus in which he alerts Bobby to the whereabouts of Bela Talbot. Dean goes to see Rufus Turner, even though Sam opposes the idea of hunting for Bela, as they have only a couple of weeks until Dean's deal runs out. Rufus presents Dean with a manila folder on Bela, which gives Dean new and interesting detail into her past. In Season Four, Rufus (not seen) calls Bobby with news of more of the The 66 Seals being broken. The seals Rufus Turner reports being broken are: ten species extinct in Key West, fishing crew of fifteen goes blind in Alaska, and a teacher in New York kills 66 students, all in one day. During early Season Five, Bobby is confined to a wheel chair. Rufus heads to a town he thinks is under attack from demons, based on omens of a polluted river and a falling star. He meets up with Ellen and Jo for help. But the townspeople are going mad and killing one another. Rufus, while under attack, calls Bobby for help. Since Bobby physically can't help, he sends Sam and Dean. When Sam and Dean arrive, Rufus and Jo have been separated from Ellen. Jo and Rufus capture Sam, thinking he is possessed. Later, Ellen and Dean are able to help break the spell War has over them. He keeps on hunting, sometimes with Bobby, until he is killed by a parasite-possessed Bobby. Bobby, Dean, and Sam hold a funeral for Rufus.
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