Brenda Walsh, protrayed by Shannen Doherty, is a fictional character in the Beverly Hills, 90210 franchise. Brenda Walsh and her twin brother, Brandon (Jason Priestley), were born in 1975, to Jim (James Eckhouse) and Cindy Walsh (Carol Potter). The Walsh family lived in Minnesota until 1990 when Jim Walsh received a promotion and moved the family t...
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Brenda Walsh, protrayed by Shannen Doherty, is a fictional character in the Beverly Hills, 90210 franchise. Brenda Walsh and her twin brother, Brandon (Jason Priestley), were born in 1975, to Jim (James Eckhouse) and Cindy Walsh (Carol Potter). The Walsh family lived in Minnesota until 1990 when Jim Walsh received a promotion and moved the family to Beverly Hills California. After moving to Beverly Hills the Walsh children started their sophmore year at West Beverly Hills High School. Here they befriended: Kelly Taylor (Jennie Garth), Donna Martin (Tori Spelling), Steve Sanders (Ian Ziering), David Silver (Brian Austin Green), Dylan McKay (Luke Perry), Andrea Zuckerman (Gabrielle Carteris). Not long after moving to Beverly Hills Brenda began a relationship with Dylan McKay. The relationship was filled with a lot of ups and downs. Brenda's parents did not approve of Dylan. After two months of dating Dylan wanted to take their relationship to the next level but Brenda was just not ready to take that step yet. Dylan agreed to wait until Brenda was ready. This step came at the spring dance and not long after Brenda thought that she might be pregnant. Even though it is just a false alarm, it helped Brenda to realize that Dylan and her relationship might be moving too fast. The disapproval of the relationship by Brenda's parents only got worse after Brenda and Dylan disobeyed her parents and went away to Mexico. After being in Mexico Brenda realized that she forgot her passport and she had to call her father. This started an argument between Brenda and her parents and caused Brenda to move in with Dylan. Brenda and Dylan remained a couple on and off for two years. In 1992 Brenda went to Paris for a summer-long French immersion program. During her time in Paris she had a summer fling with Rick, a tourist from Wisconsin. This relationship ended quickly after she realized that Rick had more in common with her father then with her. After returning to Beverly Hills, Brenda learns that Dylan had a fling of his own over the summer with her best friend, Kelly. After a drawn out triangle affair Dylan chooses Kelly. A heart broken Brenda decides to go back home to Minnisota to go to college but soon realizes that Minnesota is not her home anymore and that the people that were once her friends she has nothing in common with anymore. So she decides to return to Beverly Hills and attend college at California University. While attending college Brenda meets Stuart and after a couple weeks they decide to elope. They fly out to LasVegas and the friends follow to stop the wedding and succeed by pretending that they are for the marriage. Also during her college days Brenda joined a group of animal activists and after breaking in and trashing a couple of research labs she ended up getting arrested. It is during this time that Brenda finds the true love of her life: Acting. Her debut in the college play lands her a position at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London for a year. Right before leaving for London she reconciles with Dylan. A few years later Dylan moves to London to be with Brenda and they move in together. She finally returns from London in 2008 and to Beverly Hills to direct a musical at West Beverly High and to see her friend Kelly.In the last apearance of Brenda Walsh ( 90210 season 1 finale), it is revealed that she adopted a baby girl and is very happy with her life.
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