The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is a fictional character from the Ghostbusters franchise, which sometimes appears as a giant, lumbering paranormal monster. It first appears in the film Ghostbusters (1984) as a picture logo on a prop package of marshmallows in Dana Barrett's apartment, on a graffiti advertisement on the building next to the Ghost...
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The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man is a fictional character from the Ghostbusters franchise, which sometimes appears as a giant, lumbering paranormal monster. It first appears in the film Ghostbusters (1984) as a picture logo on a prop package of marshmallows in Dana Barrett's apartment, on a graffiti advertisement on the building next to the Ghostbusters' HQ, and then in the climax of the film as the physical manifestation of the Sumerian demon Gozer. Subsequently, it has been incorporated into many other Ghostbusters media, including the animated series The Real Ghostbusters, comic books, a stage show, and video games. In the Ghostbusters Universe, it is the mascot of the fictional Stay Puft Marshmallow Corporation (much like Michelin's Bibendum (aka Michelin Man ) and the Pillsbury Doughboy (both of which it resembles). Within the universe, it is also the subject of a Marshmallow Man cartoon series. Along with the Ghostbusters logo, the image of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man has become one of the most recognizable emblems of the franchise.
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