Janine Melnitz is a fictional character from the Ghostbusters franchise. She is the Ghostbusters cynical, sassy secretary and (most of the time) love interest to Dr. Egon Spengler. She appears in the films, The Real Ghostbusters animated series and Extreme Ghostbusters. She is played by Annie Potts in the films, and voiced by Laura Summer, Kath Sou...
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Janine Melnitz is a fictional character from the Ghostbusters franchise. She is the Ghostbusters cynical, sassy secretary and (most of the time) love interest to Dr. Egon Spengler. She appears in the films, The Real Ghostbusters animated series and Extreme Ghostbusters. She is played by Annie Potts in the films, and voiced by Laura Summer, Kath Soucie and Pat Musick in the animation. Show less «