Ryan Newman is the lead character of the dark comedy television series Wilfred. Brilliantly portrayed by Elijah Wood, the audience is first introduced to a troubled man while he tries to commit suicide. Unsuccessful in his attempt, Ryan meets his new neighbor and her pet dog Wilfred who only Ryan visions as a man in a dog costume while everyone els...
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Ryan Newman is the lead character of the dark comedy television series Wilfred. Brilliantly portrayed by Elijah Wood, the audience is first introduced to a troubled man while he tries to commit suicide. Unsuccessful in his attempt, Ryan meets his new neighbor and her pet dog Wilfred who only Ryan visions as a man in a dog costume while everyone else sees a real dog.A former successful lawyer, Ryan struggles to be his own person. Bossed by his sister and other family mysteries haunting him, Ryan is taken under the guidance of Wilfred to force him live life to the fullest. Along the way of many life learning escapades, a bonding friendship forms and the two go above and beyond man's best friend.
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