In the hit comedy series Wilfred, Kristen Newman is the sister of the lead character Ryan. Overbearing and contemptuous, Kristen hilariously browbeats anyone in her life, most of all, her brother. Dorian Brown Pham convincingly portrays the obstetrician with a lukewarm heart. In desperation, Ryan blackmailed Kristen which forced her to leave her hu...
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In the hit comedy series Wilfred, Kristen Newman is the sister of the lead character Ryan. Overbearing and contemptuous, Kristen hilariously browbeats anyone in her life, most of all, her brother. Dorian Brown Pham convincingly portrays the obstetrician with a lukewarm heart. In desperation, Ryan blackmailed Kristen which forced her to leave her husband after an affair with her superior. Kristen fits perfectly in the sitcom as one who steps up and adds more obscurity.Now without a husband or a lover, Kristen is sure to have amusing moments with her young son whom she once called dickhead.
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