Eli Weevil NavarroEli Weevil Navarro is the leader of PCHers bike gang.As such he has often been in trouble with the law and has spent time in juvenile penal facilities.Eli lives with his siblings and grandmother on the poor side of town. His grandmother used to be the maid for the very wealthy Echolls family, headed by movie star Aaron.Aaron'...
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Eli Weevil NavarroEli Weevil Navarro is the leader of PCHers bike gang.As such he has often been in trouble with the law and has spent time in juvenile penal facilities.Eli lives with his siblings and grandmother on the poor side of town. His grandmother used to be the maid for the very wealthy Echolls family, headed by movie star Aaron.Aaron's son Logan is Weevil's classmate at Neptune High and constantly torments him about his poverty and the fact that his grandmother waited on and cleaned up after him as a child. The two have a very tempestuous relationship.Weevil has more of a mutual respect-type relationship with Veronica Mars, that is more symbiotic in nature.Although they are sometimes on opposing sides of a fightand Weevil will never let her forget that she once ran with the popular 09er crowd-- they can and often do favors for one another to get out of jams both legal and personal. Weevil respects Veronica's smarts and spirit and Veronica knows that there is more to Weevil than his high school criminal biker persona.Weevil clearly cares for his siblings, grandmother, and fellow gang members and can be very charming and funny when he wants to be.
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