The Duke of Weselton is the neutral antagonist of Disney's animated film Frozen. He is voiced by Alan Tudyk, who voiced King Candy in Wreck-It Ralph.He comes to Arendelle on the same day of Elsa's coronation to try and uncover its secrets and exploit its riches. However, when Elsa's ice powers are revealed, he accuses her of witchcra...
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The Duke of Weselton is the neutral antagonist of Disney's animated film Frozen. He is voiced by Alan Tudyk, who voiced King Candy in Wreck-It Ralph.He comes to Arendelle on the same day of Elsa's coronation to try and uncover its secrets and exploit its riches. However, when Elsa's ice powers are revealed, he accuses her of witchcraft and orders her stopped. After Elsa runs away and banishes herself, he soon begins plotting to eliminate Elsa so he can take over Arendelle for himself...In the end, he and his thugs are sent back to Weselton by the palace guards with a proclamation that Arendelle will forever no longer do business with him in the trade
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