Daffy Duck is a cartoon character from the Looney Tunes. He is everyone's favorite Looney Tunes character, as his manic personality and sly deviousness embodies the Looney Tunes as a whole.He first appeared in the cartoon Daffy Duck and Egghead .He was the original star of the Looney Tunes until Bugs Bunny came along. This caused him to become...
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Daffy Duck is a cartoon character from the Looney Tunes. He is everyone's favorite Looney Tunes character, as his manic personality and sly deviousness embodies the Looney Tunes as a whole.He first appeared in the cartoon Daffy Duck and Egghead .He was the original star of the Looney Tunes until Bugs Bunny came along. This caused him to become jealous, and they became rivals. However, in the recent years they have patched up their differences and become friends.He is wacky, zany and a clever schemer. He is very greedy.He appears in Who Framed Roger Rabbit , trying to perform a piano duet with Donald Duck. However, the combination of Daffy's zaniness and Donald's short temper makes itimpossible to happen.He appears in Space Jam as part of the TuneSquad team that challengers the Monstars to a basketball game with thewir freddom at stake.In Tiny Toons , we see his nephew, Plucky Duck.He is one of the main protagonists of Looney Tunes: Back in Action . There, the Warner Bros studio fires him. With no other choice, hegoes to live with D.J. Drake, a securityguard who moonlights as a stuntman. When D.J.'s father, Demian Drake, is kidnapped by the evil genius Mr. Chairman, he eagerly decides to go rescue him with D.J.Later, he ends up saving the world by deviating the beam from the Blue Monkey Diamond that was gonna turn humanity into monkeys.He plays Duck Dodgers in the television series Duck Dodgers , which originates from old movie serials starring Daffy.In Loonatics Unleashed , we see his great-great-grandson, who fights crime as a member of the Loonatics.Daffy's catchphrase is You're dethspicable , to anyone who angers him.
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