The Bad, a ruthless, unfeeling and sociopathic mercenary named Angel Eyes (Sentenza - Sentence - in the original script and the Italian version), who always finishes a job he's paid for (which is usually finding...and killing people). When Blondie and Tuco are captured while posing as Confederate soldiers, Angel Eyes is the Union sergeant who ...
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The Bad, a ruthless, unfeeling and sociopathic mercenary named Angel Eyes (Sentenza - Sentence - in the original script and the Italian version), who always finishes a job he's paid for (which is usually finding...and killing people). When Blondie and Tuco are captured while posing as Confederate soldiers, Angel Eyes is the Union sergeant who interrogates and tortures Tuco, eventually learning the name of the cemetery where the gold is buried, but not the name on the tombstone. Angel Eyes forms a fleeting partnership with Blondie, but Tuco and Blondie turn on Angel Eyes when they get their chance.Originally, Leone wanted Charles Bronson to play Angel Eyes but he had already committed to The Dirty Dozen (1967). Leone thought about working with Lee Van Cleef again: I said to myself that Van Cleef had first played a romantic character in For a Few Dollars More. The idea of getting him to play a character who was the opposite of that began to appeal to me.
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