Film, television, and theatre actress Vitta Quinn is a New Haven, Connecticut native who, throughout her precocious grammar school days, was enrolled in one of the state's talented and gifted children's arts programs. Post-high school graduation with honors, the ambitious thespian and academic studied at Boston College, Southern Connectic...
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Film, television, and theatre actress Vitta Quinn is a New Haven, Connecticut native who, throughout her precocious grammar school days, was enrolled in one of the state's talented and gifted children's arts programs. Post-high school graduation with honors, the ambitious thespian and academic studied at Boston College, Southern Connecticut State University, the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York City, and the Upright Citizens Brigade in Los Angeles.Ms. Quinn's education and training (as well as her strong New Englander/New Yorker/Los Angelean roots) provide the foundation for her uniquely-fashioned performances; film, TV, and stage credits include Passenger Side, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and HEAD, respectively.Vitta Quinn is a proud member of the Screen Actors Guild - American Federation of Television and Radio Artists and Actors' Equity Association. Show less «