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Watch Ride (2018)


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In an energizing and puzzling atmosphere, this film takes after a Lyft driver named James and his passenger, Jessica, who abruptly wind up in an unsafe circumstance with a manipulative maniac, Bruno, who needs to end their lives. They need to endure to save their lives.
79 min
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Competently crafted enough to work well as a résumé-builder for its participants, but also underwhelmingly conceived enough to impress viewers as little more than a forgettable time-killer.
October 04, 2018
"Ride" is a one-act play trying to be a big screen pulse-pounder, but there's not enough here to fill what's already a scant run time of 76 minutes.
October 03, 2018
... feels completely detached from reality and runs out of gas even at its abbreviated length.
October 05, 2018
Los Angeles Times
Ultimately, "Ride" feels a little like a drama class exercise, with the leads digging deep into their characters' motivations and feelings. All three nail their parts. But their story never gets out of first gear.
October 04, 2018
Cinema Crazed
In desperate need of at least half hour of narrative, and better ideas.
October 03, 2018
Film Threat
Strip out the thriller moments and you have an interesting film, instead, we're left with a mediocre thriller that phones in the final act.
September 24, 2018
Mark Reviews Movies
[T]he movie rushes through its high-stakes mind game, evading the consequences ... and arriving at a conclusion that doesn't resolve anything.
October 04, 2018
Like an average Uber ride, the film passes quickly and doesn't leave a lasting impression.
October 05, 2018
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