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Watch Grease 2


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This is an interesting film opens the story of an English student at a 1960's American high school. He had to prove himself to the leader of a girls' gang whose members could only date greasers. He was surely going to try! Let's see the movie to discover immediately!
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Radio Times
It doesn't work, but you could spend the time spotting relatives of the stars.
August 15, 2015
Cinema Crazed
As a sequel to "Grease" it's terrible, and as a musical on its own merits, it's absolutely abysmal.
March 14, 2013
New York Times
Grease 2 is dizzy and slight, with an even more negligible plot than its predecessor had. This time the story can't even masquerade as an excuse for stringing the songs together.
August 30, 2004
People Magazine
Grease is most emphatically not the word this summer.
August 15, 2015
Chicago Sun-Times
This movie just recycles Grease, without the stars, without the energy, without the freshness and without the grease.
August 15, 2015
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