Walden Schmidt is a fictional character in the CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men, portrayed by Ashton KutcherThe character was introduced in the season nine premiere episode, Nice to Meet You, Walden Schmidt to replace the character of Charlie Harper after actor Charlie Sheen was fired from the series.Schmidt is introduced to the series as a billionair...
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Walden Schmidt is a fictional character in the CBS sitcom Two and a Half Men, portrayed by Ashton KutcherThe character was introduced in the season nine premiere episode, Nice to Meet You, Walden Schmidt to replace the character of Charlie Harper after actor Charlie Sheen was fired from the series.Schmidt is introduced to the series as a billionaire internet entrepreneur who has recently been divorced and is now suicidal. After unsuccessfully attempting suicide, he turns up at Charlie Harper's beach house and decides to buy it from Charlie's brother, Alan, to whom Charlie has left the house in his will, after dying in France.Over the course of his duration on the series, Walden's personality has greatly matured.
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