Valerie Scottson (portrayed by Brooke Smith in Season 3), is a radiology technician. She divorced Agent Peter Scottson after cheating on him. She is a single mother who struggles to stay afloat financially and to control her son Tim, who suffers with an extreme anger management problem. After Peter's body is buried, Nancy follows her to the cl...
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Valerie Scottson (portrayed by Brooke Smith in Season 3), is a radiology technician. She divorced Agent Peter Scottson after cheating on him. She is a single mother who struggles to stay afloat financially and to control her son Tim, who suffers with an extreme anger management problem. After Peter's body is buried, Nancy follows her to the clinic where she works in an attempt to reach out to someone who knows Peter. Although she initially thinks Nancy is stalking her, she eventually comes to like and befriend her. After she finds out Nancy received the benefit on Peter's life insurance money, Valerie demands that Nancy pay her the money, as Valerie believes she is truly entitled to it. Despite the fact that Nancy is legally entitled to the money, Nancy promises to give it to Valerie. Even though Nancy begins paying in installments, Valerie doesn't trust her and becomes impatient. Valierie hires a private investigator to spy on Nancy. After the investigator finds out Nancy is a drug dealer, he blackmails Nancy for $50,000, and Nancy is forced to pay it. Ultimately, Valerie in unable to receive the life insurance money as a result of her own distrust and impatience.
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