Tim Scottson, (portrayed by Daryl Sabara, guest character in seasons 1-3, 8) is Peter Scottson's son. He was bitten by Shane during a karate match because Shane though he was physically overmatched by him. Tim has an extreme anger management problem and is openly hostile to his mother. Shane, and Nancy in particular. He physically assaults his...
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Tim Scottson, (portrayed by Daryl Sabara, guest character in seasons 1-3, 8) is Peter Scottson's son. He was bitten by Shane during a karate match because Shane though he was physically overmatched by him. Tim has an extreme anger management problem and is openly hostile to his mother. Shane, and Nancy in particular. He physically assaults his karate teacher ona regular basis. Tim returned as the sniper who shot Nancy at the end of Season 7, as revealed in the first episode of Season 8. In the series finale, after a ten-year jump, Tim is now Nancy's personal assistant.
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