Todd Brotzman is skillfully portrayed by Elijah Wood in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. A down on his luck former band member and unemployed bellhop, Todd is unwillingly recruited on the worst day of his life by the eccentric holistic detective, Dirk Gently. Calling Todd his assist-friend, he is to help Dirk solve the case of a mu...
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Todd Brotzman is skillfully portrayed by Elijah Wood in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. A down on his luck former band member and unemployed bellhop, Todd is unwillingly recruited on the worst day of his life by the eccentric holistic detective, Dirk Gently. Calling Todd his assist-friend, he is to help Dirk solve the case of a murdered billionaire and Todd wants no part of it or Dirk in his life.While on the outside he seems relatively normal, doing his best to take care of his younger sister who is suffering from a debilitating psychological ailment, Todd is harboring secrets and lies which he is forced to come to terms with. Further complicating his tumultuous life, he is cast into a series of mysterious incidences involving the murder all due to persistence Dirk who believes Todd is meant to aid him while simultaneously becoming his best friend.
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