Sid, played by Larry Miller in Corrina, Corrina was Manny Singer's long-suffering boss. He started having problems when Manny's wife died and people began asking when the real Manny Singer would be back. In trying to appease them he'd assure everyone it was just a matter of time and things would be back to normal and in his rambling ... Show more »
Sid, played by Larry Miller in Corrina, Corrina was Manny Singer's long-suffering boss. He started having problems when Manny's wife died and people began asking when the real Manny Singer would be back. In trying to appease them he'd assure everyone it was just a matter of time and things would be back to normal and in his rambling way, he told that to Manny. It was all done in the most positive sense because it was Manny's job too. He collaborated with Manny on a stuck jingle. He was at the meeting with Mr. Potato Head when right in the middle of a presentation he was giving, Manny broke down and couldn't continue. After wards, Sid came to see Manny and invite him over to a party that weekend at his house. When Manny protested he couldn't as he had his daughter to think of, Sid responded Get a sitter five times. There at the party, he found Manny alone at the bar and managed to hoodwink him into giving Jenny, another widower a ride home. When Manny protested, Sid, in his roundabout way, talked on and on until he came down to the real reason - Bottom line, you need someone to talk to. You got me, but frankly, I don't like you that much. So...take Jenny home and talk with her.Uh-huh a matchmaker he was playing. Show less «
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