Along with his wife, Beverly, Sean is co-writer of a hit English television program set in a high school. Despite much cynicism about the US television industry they are lured to the States to pitch their program to an American audience. Increasingly dismayed by changes demanded by the network, Sean and Beverly knuckle under and write Pucks!, a pro...
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Along with his wife, Beverly, Sean is co-writer of a hit English television program set in a high school. Despite much cynicism about the US television industry they are lured to the States to pitch their program to an American audience. Increasingly dismayed by changes demanded by the network, Sean and Beverly knuckle under and write Pucks!, a program that has no resemblance to the original. Sean becomes a protege of star Matt LeBlanc and becomes drawn into his world of fancy cars, big houses and lots of parties. He discovers that Matt has slept with Beverly and ends their marriage. He is eventually seduced by star Morning who presents him a pen inscribed YCOMT.
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