Nikki was a woman who first appeared to Curtis during one of the times he went back in time, but he didn't know who she was at the time. They finally met in real time when the ASBO Five tried to track down The Guy In The Mask at a flat. The flat actually belonged to Nikki, and Curtis was stunned to see that she existed in the now instead of th...
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Nikki was a woman who first appeared to Curtis during one of the times he went back in time, but he didn't know who she was at the time. They finally met in real time when the ASBO Five tried to track down The Guy In The Mask at a flat. The flat actually belonged to Nikki, and Curtis was stunned to see that she existed in the now instead of the past. He bought her a new set of pajamas to atone for one of Nathan's pranks and discovered that she was suffering from heart failure and needed a heart transplant. She soon got the transplant when a new ASBO worker, who had the power to teleport, was killed by a man who thought he was a character in a video game. She absorbed the dead man's powers and didn't know what was happening to her (she thought she got a bad heart transplant) until Curtis explained it to her. She tended to be teleported to places against her will whenever someone was in trouble and she could help. Unfortunately, Nikki was called to teleport at inopportune times, like while in the middle of shagging Curtis, and sometimes to faraway places (she once had to walk back clear across town after a teleportation).After Curtis and Alisha broke up, Nikki and Curtis started dating seriously. She and Curtis had purchased tickets to travel to Thailand and Bangkok with the money they got selling their powers. Nikki was killed near the end of season 2 when a man tried to rob the ASBO Five in a bar to get money for a man pretending to be Jesus. She was shot when Nathan wound the robber up, forgetting that he'd sold his immortality, and jumped out of the way of the bullet; Nikki was coming out of the bathroom and the bullet struck her in the chest instead. Curtis couldn't turn back time to save her because he'd sold his powers.
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