Mickey Donovan is the father of the show's title character Ray Donovan. Mickey is played by Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight. Recently released from prison, the Irish gangster sets out to get even with his estranged son Ray for sending him to prison for a crime he didn't commit. Besides Ray, Mickey has two other sons (named Terry and Bunchy...
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Mickey Donovan is the father of the show's title character Ray Donovan. Mickey is played by Oscar-winning actor Jon Voight. Recently released from prison, the Irish gangster sets out to get even with his estranged son Ray for sending him to prison for a crime he didn't commit. Besides Ray, Mickey has two other sons (named Terry and Bunchy) from his marriage.Mickey has a sexual obsession for black women. His longtime girlfriend is a black woman named Claudette. He has a bi-racial child named Daryl from his relationship with Claudette.He has pretty good relationships with all his sons with the exception of Ray.As the series continues, Mickey has a variety of failed get rich quick schemes. Very often ripple effects from his botched plans tend to come the way of Ray Donovan and his family.During the third season, Mickey ends up borrowing money from the Armenian mob in order to finance a prostitution idea he has. Mickey ends up being forced by the mob to help them with sex trafficking operations. When this happens, he tries to rat the mob out to the authorities but there are consequences and repercussions.The mob tries to kill Mickey and some of his prostitute friends. Unfortunately, Mickey's son Terry is wounded by the mob's gunfire.Ray Donovan and Mickey seek revenge on the mob and have a huge shootout with them leaving a trail of bodies.Seeking to get Mickey out of his life, Ray sends Mickey away out of state, hoping to never see him again.
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