Lt. Andy Flynn begins the series as a member of the Robbery-Homicide Division under Commander Russell Taylor, to whom he is initially loyal over Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson. He eventually transfers to Priority Homicide and comes to appreciate Brenda's skills.In early seasons, Flynn isn't always the most dedicated detective, and some...
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Lt. Andy Flynn begins the series as a member of the Robbery-Homicide Division under Commander Russell Taylor, to whom he is initially loyal over Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson. He eventually transfers to Priority Homicide and comes to appreciate Brenda's skills.In early seasons, Flynn isn't always the most dedicated detective, and sometimes cuts corners or slacks off on cases. His loyalties can be shifting.Background: His best friend is Lt. Louie Provenza, and the two have the habit of getting into shenanigans and nearly fouling up cases. Flynn is a recovering alcoholic who has been sober for 10 years. He is divorced and has a grown daughter, Cole. He fancies himself a ladies man.
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