Katie Ryan was portrayed by Amanda Schull during seasons seven and eight. She is a prospective tennis client of Clay Evans who bears a striking resemblance to his late wife Sara. She stalks Clay and threatens Quinn, crashing Quinn's art gallery opening and buying the picture of Clay that Quinn took. In the season seven finale she shoots Quinn ...
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Katie Ryan was portrayed by Amanda Schull during seasons seven and eight. She is a prospective tennis client of Clay Evans who bears a striking resemblance to his late wife Sara. She stalks Clay and threatens Quinn, crashing Quinn's art gallery opening and buying the picture of Clay that Quinn took. In the season seven finale she shoots Quinn and Clay and leaves them for dead. She apparently flees town, but Quinn managed to track her down and plotted killing her, but backed out of it. Katie is then seen driving back to Tree Hill where she attacks Quinn again and tells Quinn that she had known all along that she was tracking her. After a chase through her house, Quinn shoots Katie, but calls 911 for her after stating that only a psycho would leave a person bleeding out for twelve hours.
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