Julia Winston, portrayed by Elizabeth Berkley, first appeared in the sixth season of CSI: Miami and has quickly become a major recurring character. She was initially introduced as a suspect in the murder of her rich husband but was soon known for other reasons when Horatio Caine encountered her again.The pair had been in a relationship several year...
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Julia Winston, portrayed by Elizabeth Berkley, first appeared in the sixth season of CSI: Miami and has quickly become a major recurring character. She was initially introduced as a suspect in the murder of her rich husband but was soon known for other reasons when Horatio Caine encountered her again.The pair had been in a relationship several years before when he was on an undercover mission after which Julia became pregnant. However, unable to cope as a single Mother at such a young age, she gave her child up. Years later, he tracked down his Father, Horatio before becoming involved in legal problems and charged with kidnapping.The re-appearance of Julia only complicated Horatio's relationship with his son even further as she filed for full custody of the boy. She stood by his side while he was cleared of kidnapping and eventually won full custody of him as well. Horatio is very suspicious of her as she was allegedly connected to her husband's death as well as the death of the woman accusing their son of kidnapping.In the final episode of season six, Horatio began to fear for Julia and his son's safety and asked her to meet him at the airport so that he could send them away safely and out of harm's way. However, Horatio was shot after waiting for them to arrive and it is unknown whether Julia was responsible or not. It has been suggested that the two still have feelings for each other, however this has not been confirmed.
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