Gogo Yubari, a young associate of O-Ren Ishii, is a severely disturbed 17-year-old schoolgirl who delights in killing for fun. She is one of O-Ren's top assassins and is her personal bodyguard. Gogo's disturbed mind and vicious penchant for killing is displayed when she offers herself to a drunken man in a bar and then disembowels him.Lat...
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Gogo Yubari, a young associate of O-Ren Ishii, is a severely disturbed 17-year-old schoolgirl who delights in killing for fun. She is one of O-Ren's top assassins and is her personal bodyguard. Gogo's disturbed mind and vicious penchant for killing is displayed when she offers herself to a drunken man in a bar and then disembowels him.Later on, she takes on the Bride when the latter has already slaughtered several of O-Ren Ishii's army of thugs, the Crazy 88, at the House of Blue Leaves. Although the Bride gives her the opportunity to walk away, Gogo takes her on with a large meteor hammer, almost overcoming the Bride by strangling her savagely with the chain. The Bride kills Gogo by driving a broken chair leg studded with nails into the side of her head.
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