The middle daughter of the Dubois family, Bridgette, portrayed by Maria Lark, has the most vivid imagination of the three girls. With a good sense of humor, she is always ready to make jokes and prank her sisters. She also shares her mother's psychic gift and has even helped Allison crack some cases.Unlike Ariel, who was always sociable and po...
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The middle daughter of the Dubois family, Bridgette, portrayed by Maria Lark, has the most vivid imagination of the three girls. With a good sense of humor, she is always ready to make jokes and prank her sisters. She also shares her mother's psychic gift and has even helped Allison crack some cases.Unlike Ariel, who was always sociable and popular in school, Bridge had some trouble making friends at first, but that seemed to go away in time. Tomboy Bridgette often teases girly Ariel, but she turns to her for advice when, in fifth grade, she has her first crush on a classmate. Even though the two sisters argue and prank each other all the time, when Ariel leaves for college, Bridgette is devastated, only then realizing just how much she loves her sister. With Marie, Bridgette is proud to be the big sister, so she often has a protective attitude.She has always been interested in art: painting, film-making, comic books, writing. In the series finale it is revealed that Bridgette will grow up into a famous science-fiction author.
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