The Barbara Gordon who appears in Batman Begins (2005) and The Dark Knight (2008) is the wife of Gotham City police sergeant (later lieutenant) James Gordon. In Christopher Nolan's Batman film series, the Gordons have a young son (James Jr., portrayed by Nathan Gamble in The Dark Knight) and possibly a baby daughter (if Barbara the younger is ...
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The Barbara Gordon who appears in Batman Begins (2005) and The Dark Knight (2008) is the wife of Gotham City police sergeant (later lieutenant) James Gordon. In Christopher Nolan's Batman film series, the Gordons have a young son (James Jr., portrayed by Nathan Gamble in The Dark Knight) and possibly a baby daughter (if Barbara the younger is the baby seen in Batman Begins). This idea is supported by Batman Begins - The Screenplay by Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer: [SCENE 139] EXT. BACK ALLEY, GORDON'S APARTMENT - CONTINUOUSThrough the window: Gordon's pregnant wife, Barbara tries to get their two-year-old to eat. Gordon kisses her, picks up the trash. Comes out into the dark. Thunder rolls around. Mrs. Gordon is most emphatically not and never will be Batgirl; although, her daughter might be, one day.Mrs. Barbara Gordon was first mentioned in BATMAN #404 (February 1987), Chapter One of Frank Miller's graphic novel Batman: Year One. Her first actual appearance was BATMAN #405 (March 1987), Chapter Two of that story.This Barbara Gordon has been portrayed by two actresses: Ilyssa Fradin in Batman Begins (2005), and Melinda McGraw in The Dark Knight (2008).Barbara also appears in the 2014 TV series Gotham, which follows a young James Gordon in a pre-Batman Gotham City. Because this is before Barbara is married to James, her last name is Kean.
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