Yoshitaka is an fantasy illustrator and animation character designer who is well-known among Anime fans. He started his professional life at the animation studio Tatsunoko Productions in the 70s. During his tenure, Amano designed characters for several TV series, including "Gatchaman" (Battle Of The Planets), and "Mospeada" (Rob...
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Yoshitaka is an fantasy illustrator and animation character designer who is well-known among Anime fans. He started his professional life at the animation studio Tatsunoko Productions in the 70s. During his tenure, Amano designed characters for several TV series, including "Gatchaman" (Battle Of The Planets), and "Mospeada" (Robotech: The New Generation).He was provided illustrations for several novels in Japan. One such novel was Kikuchi Hideyuki's "Vampire Hunter D", which was spawned two animated movies. Amano served as the character designer for both features.Amano has made his presence known in the video game world as well. He provided the character designs for the popular "Final Fantasy" series. Show less «