After earning a film production degree in 2011, Sé Marie began her career as a stunt double for Rachel McAdams and Vinessa Shaw. She then transitioned into acting full-time, leading several feature films to major film festivals, including the first ever Virtual Reality feature film "Career Opportunities in Organized Crime" (which premier...
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After earning a film production degree in 2011, Sé Marie began her career as a stunt double for Rachel McAdams and Vinessa Shaw. She then transitioned into acting full-time, leading several feature films to major film festivals, including the first ever Virtual Reality feature film "Career Opportunities in Organized Crime" (which premiered at South by Southwest Film Festival 2016) and "Careful Not to Cry" (premiered at Toronto International Film Festival 2017).In 2020, Sé starred in a live Zoom play titled "Water Child", which featured an international cast and was critically praised as the first ever live Zoom theatre production (Kris P. Productions). Also in 2020, Sé produced/directed/starred in an original web series titled "A Very Covid Christmas", which won her three 2021 Telly Awards for Best Remote Production (Actor, Director, and Producer).Sé plays Susan in the comedy feature film "Movers Ultimate", which premieres on Amazon Prime and Apple TV August 19, 2022. She can also be seen in the upcoming feature film "Unsinkable" about the aftermath of the Titanic (release date TBD). She lead the sci-fi short film "Artificial Existence" as Evelyn, which has already won 20+ awards at festivals internationally, and just finished production on the short film "NWL", in which she plays Mad Maxine. Show less «