In 1989 Cory McAbee and Robert Lurie formed a partnership called BNS Productions. BNS Productions was the moniker under which their combined efforts were created. The unique nature of their work is represented by a broad range of mediums including live musical performance, recordings, story-telling, live action and animated films, hand-crafted artw...
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In 1989 Cory McAbee and Robert Lurie formed a partnership called BNS Productions. BNS Productions was the moniker under which their combined efforts were created. The unique nature of their work is represented by a broad range of mediums including live musical performance, recordings, story-telling, live action and animated films, hand-crafted artwork and printed material. BSG Records was created by McAbee and Lurie as a subsidiary of BNS Productions for the purpose of recording and distributing music created for both the musical group The Billy Nayer Show, as well as soundtracks from their motion pictures.
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