Paul Marchand is a documentary filmmaker, often filling multiple production rolls on each project. His feature directorial debut, "JACO," produced by Metallica's Robert Trujillo, tells the story of Jaco Pastorius, a larger-than-life jazz musician who changed the course of modern music before his tragic death at the age of 35. Paul...
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Paul Marchand is a documentary filmmaker, often filling multiple production rolls on each project. His feature directorial debut, "JACO," produced by Metallica's Robert Trujillo, tells the story of Jaco Pastorius, a larger-than-life jazz musician who changed the course of modern music before his tragic death at the age of 35. Paul's editorial credits include Martin Scorsese's "The Fifty Year Argument" & Chris Rock's "Good Hair." He was the Director of Photography on John Maringouin's "Big River Man," which won Best Cinematography at the Sundance Film Festival. Paul is also an avid short-film director, collaborating with legendary underground filmmaker, Kenneth Anger on "Missoni by Anger."
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