A graduate of the illustrious Howard University, where he began his studies in Film Production with a concentration in cinematography, Parrish was the recipient of the prestigious Paul Robeson award. As a student, Parrish embraced the role of director of photography, shooting over fifty short films, numerous graduate thesis films, and a feature fil...
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A graduate of the illustrious Howard University, where he began his studies in Film Production with a concentration in cinematography, Parrish was the recipient of the prestigious Paul Robeson award. As a student, Parrish embraced the role of director of photography, shooting over fifty short films, numerous graduate thesis films, and a feature film, at Howard University, UCLA, USC, Temple U, Hunter College, American U, and others. In addition, Parrish shot various local music videos.Shortly after graduation, Parrish immediately began freelancing as a videographer and cinematographer. While continuing to work on film projects and music videos as a D.P. and Gaffer, he shot videos for Wu Tang, Naughty by Nature, and Jaheim, just to name a few. Parrish simultaneously worked for BET Networks, shooting Rap City, and as a photojournalist for Cablevision, UPN, and BET News in NYC.Parrish now holds court as a producer and director. Included among the numerous short films, music videos, corporate videos, commercials, and features that Parrish has photographed and/or produced runs a list of notables that have appeared on many networks, festival circuits, retail outlets, and are available online.One of Parrish Smith's credits include the award winning documentary "The Scroll" starring T.D. Jakes, Noel Jones, Al Sharpton, etc. which was acquired by the Gospel Music Channel/Aspire and Netflix, sold in major retail stores such as Walmart and Target, and "The Scroll" is the first African-American faith based documentary to be acquired by Redbox. Kensington Publishing making Parrish a first time author soon published "The Scroll" into an inspirational self-help book. "The Scroll" film and book continue to inspire people from all around the world.Other credits include the smash comedy hit "Kingdom Comedy" which was acquired by Image Entertainment and aired on TV ONE features radio personality and comedian Rickey Smiley. "The Last Adam" starring Leonard Roberts and Anita Gillette, and "Nocturnal Agony" starring Lawrence Hilton Jacobs and Hezekiah Walker rest among that list as well.In addition, Parrish has produced material for American Express, Gillette, Converse, MTV, L'Oreal, ABFF, Kraft, Trace Sports, Uptown Movie Network, Bronner Brothers, and many others.
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