Mickey Solis is a stage, television, and film actor. He is also a writer, filmmaker, and educator. Mickey was a company member of the renowned American Repertory Theater (A.R.T.) from 2005 to 2009. There he performed in several cutting-edge plays with prestigious foreign and American theater directors, including Robert Woodruff, Les Waters, Mark Wi...
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Mickey Solis is a stage, television, and film actor. He is also a writer, filmmaker, and educator. Mickey was a company member of the renowned American Repertory Theater (A.R.T.) from 2005 to 2009. There he performed in several cutting-edge plays with prestigious foreign and American theater directors, including Robert Woodruff, Les Waters, Mark Wing-Davies, and Oscar-nominated Hungarian film director, Janos Szasz. From 2010 to 2014 he was an actor and company member of the experimental independent multi-media theater company Dangerous Ground Productions (DGP) in New York City. Mickey has also performed overseas and in a number of Shakespeare festivals and regional theaters throughout America. Mickey was a student of comparative religion, Eastern philosophy, and drama. He earned his MFA at the Institute for Advanced Theater Training at Harvard University. He lives in Brooklyn, NY with his wife, actress Susannah Hoffman.
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