Lovesh Nagar is an Assistant Director in Bollywood Industry, who is from Greater Noida. He did his schooling from his village. After completing his B-tech he became an Assistant Director. He started his career from a Bollywood movie "Half Girlfriend", then web series like Bahubali- "Before the beginning" by Netflix, "City o...
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Lovesh Nagar is an Assistant Director in Bollywood Industry, who is from Greater Noida. He did his schooling from his village. After completing his B-tech he became an Assistant Director. He started his career from a Bollywood movie "Half Girlfriend", then web series like Bahubali- "Before the beginning" by Netflix, "City of Dreams" by Nagesh Kukunoor. Movies like "Veere Di Wedding" by Shashank Ghosh. He did a Hollywood movie "Escape from Black Water" by R. Ellis Frazier as a First Assistant Director that was shot in India. Show less «