Danish-American actress Laura Allen Müller is trained at The Danish National School of Performing Arts (1997-2001) and The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute, New York (1996). Laura Allen Müller has played a wide variety of parts spanning across genres such as TV-drama, TV-comedy, and feature films. She has had recurring parts in the Dani...
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Danish-American actress Laura Allen Müller is trained at The Danish National School of Performing Arts (1997-2001) and The Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute, New York (1996). Laura Allen Müller has played a wide variety of parts spanning across genres such as TV-drama, TV-comedy, and feature films. She has had recurring parts in the Danish series Borgen/Government, Forbrydelsen/The Killing and Pendlerkids. Swiftly appropriate new languages, accents, dialects, etc. Show less «