In 2020, actor on the rise, Jun Yu, is set to make his feature film debut in Walt Disney Pictures' highly anticipated, live action adaptation of "Mulan" opposite Yifei Liu, Jet Li, Tzi Ma and Rosalind Chao. Set in Imperial China, the film follows Mulan (Liu) who disguises herself as a man in order to serve in the military to defend t...
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In 2020, actor on the rise, Jun Yu, is set to make his feature film debut in Walt Disney Pictures' highly anticipated, live action adaptation of "Mulan" opposite Yifei Liu, Jet Li, Tzi Ma and Rosalind Chao. Set in Imperial China, the film follows Mulan (Liu) who disguises herself as a man in order to serve in the military to defend the country from the Huns. Yu is a scene-stealer as Cricket, Mulan's comrade and confidant as she enters training military training and war. "Mulan" is set to premiere on March 27, 2020.On the television front, Yu has recurred as Pete on ABC's hit comedy series "Fresh Off the Boat," alongside Randall Park and Constance Wu.Born in Oakland, California and raised across the Bay Area, Yu discovered his love of acting after accidentally enrolling in a theatre course his sophomore year of high school. He was instantly drawn to the art of bringing characters to life and began taking summer courses at the prestigious University of Southern California and University of California - Berkeley. Upon graduating high school, he was accepted into USC's BFA program for their School of Dramatic Arts, whose alumni include Forrest Whittaker, America Ferrera, Will Ferrell and Ron Howard. While working on his degree Yu secured his first real acting audition for "Mulan" and landed the role, he has been working ever since.In addition to working in front of the camera, Yu has a passion for music and is a rapper in his down time. He is currently working on his debut EP, and notes some of his musical influences are Mac Miller, Andre 3000, Lauryn Hill, and J. Cole. He currently lives in the Los Angeles area.
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