Joseph Graham grew up in St. Louis, MO, where he began making films before the age of ten. Although unable to attend film school, after relocating to California he started to produce and direct both award-winning feature films and shorts, including animated commercials for MTV, while winning accolades for direction and performance. In 2015 the Reel...
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Joseph Graham grew up in St. Louis, MO, where he began making films before the age of ten. Although unable to attend film school, after relocating to California he started to produce and direct both award-winning feature films and shorts, including animated commercials for MTV, while winning accolades for direction and performance. In 2015 the Reeling International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival presented their coveted "Best Actor" award to the entire ensemble of his second feature, "Beautiful Something" - a first in the festival's thirty-plus-year history. Meanwhile, Joseph has also stage-managed, lit and directed more than a dozen theatrical productions, and written scripts on assignment. After working on gay-themed independent films he has chosen to focus on horror, with his next picture set to begin production in the fall of 2017.
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