Jeffrey Hack is an American actor known for his role as Junior in the western comedy series, Horse Camp. His first acting experiences included performing in his high school theatre shows where he played roles such as Egeus from William Shakespear's A Midsummer Night's Dream, the Rabbi from Fiddler on the Roof, Prince Humperdink from The P...
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Jeffrey Hack is an American actor known for his role as Junior in the western comedy series, Horse Camp. His first acting experiences included performing in his high school theatre shows where he played roles such as Egeus from William Shakespear's A Midsummer Night's Dream, the Rabbi from Fiddler on the Roof, Prince Humperdink from The Princess Bride, Sky Masterson from Guys and Dolls, and many more. These shows were all directed by one of his favorite acting coaches, Phillip Herrington.He was born in Phoenix, Arizona where he grew up in Glendale, Arizona. His family had him perform in church plays as a young boy where he later grew up to become an acoustic guitarist and singer for his worship band. Today he has a YouTube channel called "Jeffrey Hack Music" where he shares his love for music with the rest of the online world.In August of 2015, he attended Arizona State University for Film and Media Production after graduating from Apollo High School in Glendale, Arizona. He attended film school in Tempe, Arizona for four years eventually achieving his BA in Film and Media Production with a minor in Theatre. While in film school he wrote and directed two short student films called "Tell the Truth" and "Live and Learn" and continues to write new stories for online video platforms.Today he performs, edits video, and sound mixes for various film and media companies. When he's not freelancing, he's creating more content for his three YouTube channels.
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