Jassey Hilotin is an American actress known for her friendly sense of humor with the ability to express her range in drama. Born in Long Island, New York and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Jassey has been entertaining at young age. Her interest in entertaining became apparent growing up. Involving herself in local talent shows and community theater wo...
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Jassey Hilotin is an American actress known for her friendly sense of humor with the ability to express her range in drama. Born in Long Island, New York and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, Jassey has been entertaining at young age. Her interest in entertaining became apparent growing up. Involving herself in local talent shows and community theater work, Jassey quickly found that acting is where her passion laid. She has since been involved in independent films and appearing in television and commercial spots. In addition to acting, Jassey also sings and has a love for music. Jassey's focus is on her craft in film and television; she continues to pursue her passion and strives to achieve her goals always believing that a dream is never too big.
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