Jake Weisman co-created, wrote and stars in Comedy Central's newest scripted series, "Corporate," which premiered on January 17, 2018. He is a writer, comedian and actor who has garnered viral online and national attention as one of the best upcoming comedians in the country. His sketch group, WOMEN, has gained a notable fan-base and...
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Jake Weisman co-created, wrote and stars in Comedy Central's newest scripted series, "Corporate," which premiered on January 17, 2018. He is a writer, comedian and actor who has garnered viral online and national attention as one of the best upcoming comedians in the country. His sketch group, WOMEN, has gained a notable fan-base and was named #1 on LA Weekly's top comedy acts to watch in 2014. Jake was also named the #3 stand-up comic to watch in 2014 by Splitsider. He loves cats.
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