Jake Hulse

Jake Hulse

Jake Hulse is one of the founding members of Happy Wasteland Studios. He has been writing and directing films since his first claymation movies in middle school. Jake started his filmmaking career at the concession counter of his local cineplex. He'd begged them to let him be an usher, but he wasn't old enough and the closest he ever got ... Show more »
Jake Hulse is one of the founding members of Happy Wasteland Studios. He has been writing and directing films since his first claymation movies in middle school. Jake started his filmmaking career at the concession counter of his local cineplex. He'd begged them to let him be an usher, but he wasn't old enough and the closest he ever got to working in the theatre was shelling out bags of popcorn in the main lobby. His directorial debut, Heroes Don't Come Home, world premiered in the TCL Chinese Theatre as an official selection of Dances With Films Festival in 2016. A graduate of Northeastern University, he originally pursued a career in law enforcement, before switching gears to focus more squarely on his filmmaking career. He served as Director of Photography for Happy Wasteland's first feature film, "The Answer," directed by Wade Wofford, which was an official selection of the 2016 Canada International Film Festival. Show less «
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