Iris Baumüller

Iris Baumüller

Birthday: September 9, 1966 in Germany
Iris Baumüller grew up in Cologne, London and South Africa. After studying film and theatre sciences, she worked as an assistant-director for movies, television and commercials. In 2003 she founded DIE BESETZER CASTING based in Berlin and Cologne. Iris Baumüller is a member of the the German Casting Directors union BVC and the International Casti... Show more »
Iris Baumüller grew up in Cologne, London and South Africa. After studying film and theatre sciences, she worked as an assistant-director for movies, television and commercials. In 2003 she founded DIE BESETZER CASTING based in Berlin and Cologne. Iris Baumüller is a member of the the German Casting Directors union BVC and the International Casting Directors Network ICDN. Show less «
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