Back in 1998, aspiring actor Greg Peterson created the character of Count Gregula on Halloween night at a party that was hosted by Svengoolie (a.k.a. Rich Koz) at the now defunct The House of Monsters.The Greg's Munster Fan Club website which debuted in January 2000 was the very first incarnation of Count Gregula on the Internet. That site was...
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Back in 1998, aspiring actor Greg Peterson created the character of Count Gregula on Halloween night at a party that was hosted by Svengoolie (a.k.a. Rich Koz) at the now defunct The House of Monsters.The Greg's Munster Fan Club website which debuted in January 2000 was the very first incarnation of Count Gregula on the Internet. That site was dedicated to The Munsters and their fans. Then in 2003, the long awaited arrival of his own domain became reality.Count Gregula has since lived with his Countess in the Transylvanian section of Illinois in the disguise of mortals Greg and Linda. In 2005, The Gregulas along with their Children of the Night brought a brand new form of vampire horror hosted family entertainment known as "Count Gregula's Crypt" to TV viewers in the Midwest. Greg & Linda travel to various conventions (in and out of their Gregula costumes) around the country to make guest appearances and conduct celebrity interviews together for future shows.Also, Greg has worked on various other films and TV series as a character actor.
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