Gracie Cole

Gracie Cole

Birthday: September 8, 1924 in Rowlands Gill, Durham, England, UK
Birth Name: Grace Agnes Elizabeth Annie Cole
Gracie Cole was best known as a trumpeter and cornetist, the daughter and granddaughter of miners who also were proficient on brass musical instruments. She appeared on the BBC's "Children's Hour" at the age of fourteen and played in everything from brass bands to jazz ensembles, including her own all-girl band, well into her se... Show more »
Gracie Cole was best known as a trumpeter and cornetist, the daughter and granddaughter of miners who also were proficient on brass musical instruments. She appeared on the BBC's "Children's Hour" at the age of fourteen and played in everything from brass bands to jazz ensembles, including her own all-girl band, well into her seventies. In 1990 she was named a Freemnan of the City of London. Show less «
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