Gloria has been featured in the spinoff weekly series of VH1's #1 franchise, Basketball Wives (2010), which is set to return for its next season this fall. The exciting drama-filled and, often controversial, Basketball Wives LA (2011) series, follows a group of women who navigate the ups and down of their relationships (and each other) while d...
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Gloria has been featured in the spinoff weekly series of VH1's #1 franchise, Basketball Wives (2010), which is set to return for its next season this fall. The exciting drama-filled and, often controversial, Basketball Wives LA (2011) series, follows a group of women who navigate the ups and down of their relationships (and each other) while dealing with life in the spotlight, gossip, game and everyday life in Tinsel Town but, off the small screen, Govan has so much more to offer.Govan was recently named the hostess of Codeblack Entertainment's all-new entertainment documentary series - "Backstage Confidential" - that delves behind-the-scenes to capture exclusive one-on-one interviews, features and insight from some of today's biggest and brightest stars at the most elite celebrity and sports events across the nation. With Govan in full spotlight, the "Backstage Confidential" series will thrust its full rollout, domestically, this summer across multiple new media platforms, together with mobile phones, TV and social media outlets. Both the show and Govan will travel across international territories to capture the news & events as they happen, including the 2012 NBA All-Star Weekend.Not a stranger to the celebrity experience, this ultra-femme fatale has been spotted on red carpets nationwide, including this year's Trumpet Awards in Atlanta, where she was introduced as the series host and has already shared the screen, having interviewed such powerhouse celebrities, celebrated greats and inspirational leaders as entrepreneur/philanthropist Ted Turner, legendary songstress Aretha Franklin, superstars: Kevin Hart, D.L. Hughley, Tommy Davidson, Blair Underwood, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees and 8-time Grammy Award winners Earth Wind & Fire, and many more.Govan recently inked a monumental deal to star in a new broadcast commercial, set to tout and promote the new Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) partnership with Rupert Murdoch's Fox Networks. In the spot, Govan will play the lead. The UFC television commercial will also debut this spring with its production graced with the imaginative eye of acclaimed American music video, advertising, commercial and feature film director Joseph Kahn at the helm of the shoot, via his production company, "HSI Productions".She remains busy both as a mother to her twin boys while pursuing an entertainment career. When not seen on-camera, Govan spends remaining sleepless hours focusing on philanthropic efforts and entrepreneurial endeavors, including a forthcoming cookbook and fitness video.
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