The CD was released in early April on a Tuesday, my concert at Berlin was on a Monday night and we celebrated like "It's coming out tomorrow!" then on Tuesday I had rehearsal in the evening and I couldn't really celebrate the fact that today was a big day. But on Wednesday I was in midtown at lunch and I thought "I'm just going to go look at Colony, I'm going to see my record." So I walked in, very proudly, and I was like "Where's my record?" and I looked at the shelf where it said new releases, and I didn't see it. And I saw all of these other records that I knew had just come out and I was like "interesting". So I went to the front desk and I asked the guy behind the counter I was like "Hi, I'm Georgia Stitt, my album just came out yesterday, and is it, where is it in the store?" and he looked at me and he said "You're who, your what? No, I haven't heard of it and I don't think we have it" And I called my husband who is in Los Angeles and said "They don't have it! If Colony Records doesn't have my album, who's going to sell it?" and I got all upset. And about two days later I came back and not only was it out, it was on special display right by the cash register. And clearly several of them had sold because the pile was lower than the rest of the other piles, and I kind of grinned at that guy behind the cash register and I was like "That's me, that's my record!" and he was like "Oh my gosh I just sold one an hour ago!" So it made me feel great, you know, it took them a day or two to get it, but now it's just amazing to walk in and see this thing that you've been laboring over right there for people to buy.
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