Gareth Rees

Gareth Rees

Birthday: 25 March 1992, Wales, UK
Gareth Rees was born on March 25th, 1992, in Swansea Wales, Uk. He was raised in Victoria, BC. Gareths passion for movies has always been very strong, even as a young child he was singing, and dancing along with "Carousel" , and begging to watch "Oliver" over, and over again. Gareth discovered his love for screen acting in 2008,... Show more »
Gareth Rees was born on March 25th, 1992, in Swansea Wales, Uk. He was raised in Victoria, BC. Gareths passion for movies has always been very strong, even as a young child he was singing, and dancing along with "Carousel" , and begging to watch "Oliver" over, and over again. Gareth discovered his love for screen acting in 2008, where he took his first on screen acting class.In 2010 Gareth acted in a school play which inspired the idea to chase acting as a full time career. After a lot of love, and support from his parents, Gareth made the move to Vancouver, BC in September 2012, to attend Vancouver Actors schools full time program. Show less «
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